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Immediately after the Christmas holidays, thoughts turn to what is the quintessential celebration of love: namely Valentine’s Day. An occasion eagerly awaited by couples around the world to give splendor and proper attention to what is the daily reality between partners. A way to put on a pedestal the life as a couple, which February 14th consecrates in an exceptional way. Let’s see in this case how to best celebrate this very special day in a specific city, namely Turin. The Piedmontese capital can represent an original destination in which to spend Valentine’s Day, both for its historical and cultural tradition and for the structure of the metropolis in question. Let’s therefore examine in detail the various activities that can be done in Turin for this day dedicated to love.

The Valentino Park and the rock garden

The first stop to consider for Valentine’s Day is the Valentino Park with its adjoining rock garden. This is the green lung of the Piedmontese city which has in this bio park a prime attraction not only for couples who in this case are the focus of our attention but more generally also for the rest of the Piedmontese community. Within this natural structure there is the famous Valentino Castle, an ancient noble residence formerly belonging to the Savoy family. A unique and unmissable location that is perfectly suited for an original picnic with your partner. Besides the Castle, there is also a medieval village and the aforementioned rock garden in the same place. The first is a historical center from the 1800s, the second instead is a compilation of streams, plants, and truly stunning bodies of water that has as its focal point the “lovers’ bench.” A bench that is actually a statue depicting two street lamps turned in an embrace, emblems of couple’s passion. In short, as the first stop considered, it really has everything to be chosen as a very valid option for Valentine’s Day

Superga and the Mole Antonelliana

Continuing on this Turin itinerary with a romantic twist for the celebration of February 13th, we encounter two other prominent elements of the Piedmontese capital: Superga and the Mole Antonelliana. The hill of Superga offers an exceptional panoramic view from which you can see the entire city of Turin. A place that is often frequented by couples for mutual declarations of love, or even for marriage proposals and memorable moments of passion. The Mole Antonelliana, as we well know, is the symbol of Turin par excellence and embodies the classic stop for couples’ photos. Therefore, if you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a more cultural slant, you cannot overlook these two places. A perfect mix of metropolitan scenery and architectural and natural wonders as charming backdrops for the lovers’ celebration.

The Reggia di Venaria

Another stop on this romantic and tourist itinerary for the celebration of Valentine’s Day: the Reggia di Venaria. We are talking about an ancient noble residence, just like the Savoy one mentioned above, but this time of Savoyard origin. A truly fascinating structure where you can take your partner for a dream day in a location that is equally dreamy. Here you can find the Grand Gallery designed by Filippo Juvarra, sensational gardens in terms of size and shape, awarded as the most beautiful gardens in Italy 5 years ago. There is also a beautiful rose garden, which needless to say, encapsulates the essence of love in the flower that expresses it par excellence: the rose. Thus, the opportunity to stroll through these fantastic natural places, which are encompassed by the Reggia di Venaria, offering the sensation of immersing oneself in a noble glimpse of the past. To live love, but with an expressive key strongly connected to times gone by, to feel for a day like the special protagonists of a film or a thrilling soap opera.

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The Thermal Baths of Turin

If the options seen so far tell of a Turin that is more historical, cultural, and naturally charming, at the same time the Piedmontese capital offers the experience of Valentine’s Day in a more modern context. An example of this are the thermal baths of Turin: places where you can completely relax and carefreely enjoy this lovers’ holiday. All you need to do is choose one of the many wellness paths developed at the thermal baths to enjoy emotional showers, going through a classic hot bath, or perhaps a whirlpool and sauna or steam bath. In short, there is really everything to ignite the passion that the couple deserves, and that only in such a place can be best expressed. Of course, it’s not a very original idea, as it is often considered by partners, but it remains a sure way to disconnect for 24 hours from the routine and stress that work and cohabitation or the management of a family (if it’s about more mature couples) can entail.

The Chocolate Tour of Turin

To leave nothing out in this review of ideal Turin locations for Valentine’s Day, let’s see what the chocolate tour involves. It’s a series of events organized around the main theme of the culinary experience and tasting of the principal aphrodisiac food, namely chocolate. There are various organizations that allow couples to take this tour where flavor reigns supreme. After all, Turin has always been, since ancient times, the quintessential home of chocolate and its processing with pastry shops that have been established one after another over the years, also driving local commerce and economy. Therefore, gastronomic tours with the king of sweets to fully savor love in its different forms. Going to this tour, as well as to the other aforementioned destinations in the Piedmontese capital, is then extremely simple thanks to conventional transport services as well as with NCC (car rental with driver). A luxurious and comfortable way to enjoy this couple’s day without the stress of driving and traffic.