- Tempo di lettura 4 minuti -

The wedding represents one of the most beautiful moments in the life of a man and a woman. Moments of intense happiness that seal a unique existential milestone. For this reason, there is always a desire to organize it in the best way, down to the smallest details. Details, as in all things, make a difference, and obviously, this circumstance is no exception to the rule. Thus, the car that accompanies the bride to the church, usually in the company of a male parental figure, is one of those essential elements. It is crucial not to make a mistake in choosing it, just like with the post-ceremony venue or the church itself where the marriage takes place. Let’s see, therefore, which car to choose for this very important day, who pays for it, how it works in terms of rental, and other small curiosities directly and indirectly related to this aspect.

Who pays for the bride’s car?

As mentioned in the introduction, the car that accompanies the bride to the church where the wedding will be celebrated is one of those fundamental elements that must be chosen carefully. It can have different styles, from the classic and traditional to the modern supercar, for example. It all depends on the tone that one wants to give to the ceremony, whether more or less pronounced. Regardless of this, the luxury vehicle, whether retro or contemporary, involves a cost. It is obviously a rental and not a purchase, therefore focused on a one-time fee. This amount is in turn bound to the model of the car chosen and the duration of use. These two parameters are the main factors in the variability of the expense related to the bride’s car.

How does the wedding car work?

The bride’s car is actually the wedding car, although on some occasions there are some special incidents, as it usually accompanies both the man and the woman to the church where the wedding takes place. Of course, it is more obligatory for the bride than for the groom, both for reasons of elegance and ceremonial practice. This car, involved in the initial phase of the celebration, goes to pick up the bride at her residential home and then takes her to the church. The journey can be more or less difficult depending on the distance between the specified points. It is not uncommon, in fact, for there to be delays in the bride’s arrival at the church, with the classic image of the groom waiting at the altar experiencing moments of palpitation. The car, as mentioned, is usually rented for a variable amount depending on the type of vehicle and duration of use.

What does the bride throw at the wedding?

Now we come to another traditional moment typical of weddings, namely the bride throwing the bouquet. A moment many of the bride’s female friends look forward to, while others with a more libertine spirit tend to avoid. Moments that are captured in the wedding photos, with faces tense or joyful depending on the aforementioned scenarios. Jokes aside, the throwing of the bouquet is a gesture that dates back to the past, going back in ceremonial history. It is a way to pass on a baton of luck and wishes of prosperity to the next couple to be married. So, while today it is seen as a mere formality, it actually represents much more, embodying a moment of great emotional impact with historical significance. The floral compositions also have the same emblematic task, retracing the life and passion born and developed between the two members of the bridal couple.

Who opens the car door for the bride?

Finally, we come to another moment of the wedding ceremony, comparable in some ways to the bouquet toss mentioned earlier. This refers to the opening of the car door from which the bride steps out, being led to the church where the wedding will be celebrated. This gesture is usually performed by men in everyday life, but in this case, it is the responsibility of the driver or sometimes the bride’s father. This aspect is certainly less significant compared to the bouquet toss, even symbolically. Since the custom of opening the car door has long declined due to globalization and the mix of cultures and traditions, it is now seen only as a mere formality. Nevertheless, many women are still enchanted by this particular detail, which, as mentioned in previous paragraphs, like other gestures and details, can make a difference. This act of opening the car door for the beloved woman is something chivalrous that harks back to the ancient glories of the past. When noble families used to care much about such gestures to exalt their being and differentiate themselves from the common people. Over time, such practices are often not passed down and thus get lost in the annals of history. Therefore, who opens the car door for the bride is a question easily answered by referring to the driver or the bride’s father, but it is also important to highlight it as a seldom-observed and less-attended element nowadays. Or at least not carrying the same importance it might have had in the past. In summary, it can be observed how certain aspects of a wedding have remained unchanged over time, while many others have evolved, becoming lost or modified. From the bouquet toss to opening the car door, through to escorting the bride to the altar, and many other moments that constitute the essence of the wedding. The car itself is a plus that can enhance the level of the ceremony, also defining the bridal couple: if vintage, it embodies a retro romantic spirit; if contemporary, such as a supercar, it symbolizes a free and aggressive spirit, wanting to face life with decision and vigor. From this, it is evident how small details are exemplary and especially explain more than many other things the profiles of the bride and groom.

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